Sunflower Retreats

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Women's Retreats: 40-Plus

Women of a certain age get together and talk about certain things: partners, kids, and jobs outside the home. These women are caregivers, and when they gather, most of these precious hours are spent talking about other people's needs...babysitting our grandchildren, helping the kids with a loan, urging spouses to do more around the house.

But what if you didn't? What if – for once – you talked about yourselves, your needs, your dreams and goals? And what if, for once, you did something about it by going on an adventure at Sunflower Retreats, to nourish your bodies and replenish your souls?  Wouldn't that be awesome? Wouldn't that be...well...delicious?

You can! All women can. Sunflower Retreats offers trips that are all about women of a certain age, women over 40 who often ignore their own well-being in favour of tending to others. But you need to take care of yourself if you are going to be able to take care of others, and a yoga retreat in Italy or Costa Rica is the perfect antidote to a hectic and busy life. 

Whether you are a novice yoga practitioner or an experienced vet with 20 years of poses under your belt, Sunflower Retreats for women “in their prime” has the memorable excursion for you. In Italy, there are backdrops of mountains and olive groves. In Costa Rica, there are nature reserves and white sand beaches with the perfect scenic vistas to gaze on. And perhaps just as importantly, there are like minded (and “like-aged”) women to chat with, practice with, and share classes with. You get a private room with an en-suite bath, so when you feel like privacy, you can have it. But when you feel like joining new friends for a walk on the beach, it's right outside your door.  Shared meals bring folks together to laugh, toast each other with a glass of wine, and tell stories of past adventures and new beginnings. 

And the meals...oh! The meals! Completely organic fare is served every time, locally sourced and totally fresh. If you have any particular sensitivities or food allergies, that's not a problem...just let us know and we'll be happy to accommodate you. Gathering together for a day of yoga instruction, then gathering again at the supper table to enjoy a just-cooked meal – doesn't that sound marvellous? 

And if it's been a while since you had time to do yoga regularly, and you get a bit sore, we have master therapists to handle natural treatments like Aloe Vera for your skin; deep tissue massage; Reiki, and many, many others. Any treatment you want, any time you want, on no one's schedule but your own. Now that's an experience worth repeating!

Many women come back to Sunflower Retreats again and see old friends and make new ones, to laugh with the instructors who helped them master a shoulder stand, and enjoy the “alone time” and one-of-a-kind nature of a yoga retreat. Some guests love Costa Rica, some love Italy, and some love both. No matter which destination you choose, Sunflower Retreats promises you will have the experience of a lifetime. After all, isn't it time you gave all your attention to...YOU?